Preparation guide and templates
1. PDF format
The files you generate should preferably be in Pdf format. Failing that, they can also be high quality .TIFF or .JPG files. You can export it in PDF with the save as an option in almost all editing programs.

3. Image resolution
To prevent images from looking pixelated, they must be at least 250 dpi (dots per inch). In printing, 300 dpi is recommended.
This is how to configure your document before inserting the design.

2. Color in CMYK
It is important to make sure that the file is set to CMYK and with the color profile Coated Fogra39.

4. 100% black or enriched color.
If you use black it is important to:
Black texts: they must have values CO, MO, YO, K100. It is preferable that they overprint the background.
Color masses: using combinations of rich black is recommended. The most common is C40, M30; Y30, K100.

5. Leave 4mm of bleed
When designing the file it is important to leave 3 or 4mm of bleed outside the fundamental design that will be outside the area to be printed, as well as respecting the safety margins so that important elements are not cut out.
You will find the bleed zones on our templates.

6. 100% black and overprinted texts
Once we have the texts in 100% black, we must overprint it to avoid unwanted outlines of the rest of the colors, or whites.

Preparation guide
Get familiar with the template you have chosen before proceeding.
1. Prepare the template
Download the template and open it in your design program.
2. Insert your design into the template
Check that your design fits the main requirements.
Insert your design into the template, on a layer below.
Ensure that your design fits the specifications of the template.
3. Export your file
1. Once both the template requirements and the main requirements are met, you can export your design.
2. Hide the template layer and leave only your design visible.
3. Export the resulting file in high-quality PDF or JPG.
4. Upload your files
Compress your files into a .rar or .zip before uploading.
Upon completing your purchase, you will see the link to the file upload platform.
If you have already made your purchase, send your files in response to the purchase confirmation email we sent you.
Especific requires
For the cards, you should generate one file for each FACE and another file for each BACK/REVERSE.
You can also create a single .pdf file with as many pages as cards in the deck. And another for the reverses in order if they are different relatively to each other naming them as 001, 002, 003, etc.
If the deck has a single reverse common to all cards, you only need to generate one file for the reverse,
Tokens, boards, boxes, mats, etc
For BOARDS, BOXES, TOKENS, or MATS, you must generate an additional file, without hiding the template.
For TOKENS, in addition, you must also attach the file with the vectorized die-cut lines you have created.

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