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We have updated the web!

We are proud to show you the makeover of Ludotipia's website.

With the aim of offering you a simpler and more intuitive navigation.

Some news:

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Quick access to our most important sections:

  • How to buy on Ludotipia, 

      explained step by step.

  • Guides and templates, 

      now updated.

  • A contact page that

     make it easier for you 

     to solve your doubts.

  • Reorganization of categories   to make it easier for you to find our products.


  • A simpler and more intuitive distribution.


  • Standard games option to create your customized games in a more comfortable way.

  • Explanatory videos to make your shopping experience simple.


  • Development of the mobile version so you can visit our web from all your devices.

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You can view our tutorials by clicking on the following button:

We hope you are as satisfied as we are

and that you continue to enjoy the site.

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