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Ūnica. Requīrit iūsticārium aut sodālem Circulī Interiōris. Pōne hanc chartam in mēnsā cum quattuor
calculīs. In āctū cīvīlī ā vampȳrō Camarillae quem possideās inceptō aut inter eius suffrāgium calculum huius chartae exūrere potes, ut vampȳrus agēns sē aliō gradū cēlet aut singulī vampȳrī haud Camarillae tabellam āmittant. Hanc chartam exūritō sī nūllōs calculōs habuerit.

Conclave Camarillae (Latin)

SKU: VTES_010_0044
VAT Included

    Group your orders within the same shopping cart to save on shipping costs.

    Shipping costs to the peninsula: €6.50
    Shipping costs to the Canary Islands, Ceuta y Melilla: €15.00

    Europe and rest of the world variable according to destination, it is calculated on the purchase page


    Remember that at the end of the purchase process you will be able to access to our file upload platform to upload your designs.

    (See how to upload files to print for more details)

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